Dr Spurlock delivers free cooking classes for patients who are on our medically supervised Vitality Diet. Making this diet tolerable and even enjoyable is important to its success. Dr Spurlock passes several great tips for zesty and fun diet items at each class.
Please join us for our cooking classes. There will cooking demonstrations with tasting along with food, spice and preparation information given. Each participant will be given the recipes for the 5 or 6 dishes prepared that day. The foods are based around the Vitality Diet but are useful for everyday cooking for you and your family as well.
These will greatly enhance your path to sustained weight loss. While on the Vitality Diet, you will have a much lower caloric intake and a smaller list of allowed foods. By attending the cooking classes and using the Vitality Cookbook, you will learn how to make the most out of this calorie restriction with the least amount of effort.
The Vitality Cookbook consists of recipes that follow the Diet. These recipes are categorized by: Appetizers, Main Courses, Side Dishes, Salads, Soups, Desserts and Miscellaneous recipes. Use of these recipes helps to make the Vitality Diet tasty and fun, all the while realizing that in 6 weeks most patients lose an average of 25-35 pounds.
“Dr. Spurlock’s Cooking Classes are fun and easy. He hands you the recipe that he is preparing so you can easily follow along with each step. You get to taste each of the items he prepares. The recipes are simple and easy to follow. And having these recipes has made the diet so much easier for me to actually stick to it and lose the weight. These will also help me to keep the weight off as I can keep using them even after the diet.” – Debbie B
Please call 214-389-1234 to reserve your spot. We need an accurate count to make sure we have enough food for everyone to sample!
Read more about our incredibly successful Vitality Diet.
Healthier Cooking for Better Health!
I attended this class and Dr Spurlock did a great job livening up the HGC Diet. Having great ideas makes the diet easier to stick to and this is an important part of weight loss.