Do You Have Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Do you have severe fatigue, insomnia, and brain fog? Maybe you also suffer from widespread pain? If you’ve had these symptoms for at least three months and your doctor has been unable to find a specific cause, then it’s likely you suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia.
Both of these illnesses are characterized by unexplained, extreme fatigue, achiness, difficulty concentrating, and poor sleep. The main difference is that patients with Fibromyalgia have more severe pain, and those suffering from Chronic Fatigue find that fatigue is their greatest symptom. Most of the time, both of these syndromes have very similar root causes, and both conditions occur when you expend more energy than you are capable of making.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia are two different presentations of the same root causes, and both can be debilitating. Both conditions have similar symptoms that overlap. In fact, everyone who has Fibromyalgia also has CFS, however, not everyone who has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has Fibro. There is not a single cause for either illness; instead, it is a group of underlying problems that come together and create a “perfect storm.” Dr. Spurlock refers to both of these illnesses as “modern-day energy crises.”
People with CFS and Fibro can also experience “flares” that can last from several hours to several days. A flare usually follows a period of stress, either emotionally or physically, or after another type of trigger such as:
- A night or several nights of poor sleep
- Over-exertion
- Working for extended hours
- An increase in caffeine, sugar, or alcohol consumption
- A long period of travel such as driving or flying
- A known or an unknown active infection
There Is Hope! Renewed Vitality Can Help!
Although Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome symptoms may be severe and overwhelming, don’t despair! Renewed Vitality provers are experienced at investigating each individual root cause through clues, symptoms, and lab work using thorough and well-researched methods. Restoring patients back to health and vigor is a commonplace occurrence at Renewed Vitality.
Here Dr. Spurlock discusses the clues to look for and lab testing that’s used to diagnose the root causes:
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The Problem
Both Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue are complicated disorders that can be debilitating and life-changing. Not only do people who are afflicted with these conditions have to suffer from the illness itself, they often run into roadblocks when trying to seek medical help, and some have gone to countless doctors with no relief.
All too often, doctors will just prescribe opioids, benzodiazepines, or antidepressants. These types of drugs commonly only mask the symptoms and can cause unpleasant side effects. There have been studies that show that these types of drugs are not effective in treating Fibro or CFS, nor do they address the underlying causes. In order to successfully treat either disorder and provide long-term relief for the patient, it’s important to address the causes of the symptoms in addition to any immediate symptom relief.
There isn’t one, a single test that can be done to determine if someone has Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue. Diagnosis is usually a conclusion that traditional doctors make after listening to the patient’s symptoms. Their treatment protocols only try to manage the symptoms of the illness but do not address root causes or wellness. Simply stated, this does not work.
The Solution
Symptoms can also have a sudden onset, or “trigger,” which can include experiencing a sudden traumatic event such as acute illness, surgery, an auto accident, or something stressful such as a death in the family. However, they can also manifest over a period of time with no obvious trigger. Either way, there are several factors that come together creating a “perfect storm” of illness and causing you to feel like your body is crashing.
To say Dr. Spurlock goes “above and beyond” is almost laughable because it doesn’t say enough about his efforts. I went to a ridiculous amount of doctors to get help for debilitating fatigue and pain. He took one look at me and listed off things he suspected. The blood tests soon confirmed each and every one. I was just baffled that no one else had ever thought to order the ones he uncovered. Dr. Spurlock thrives with complicated cases and doesn’t believe in “Band-Aid medicine”. He will take as much time and effort to get to the root cause. If you think that there are no longer doctors that care…you haven’t met him. My life changed the day I found him! Truly, it was like winning the lottery.” – Janna R *
The Answer: A Six-step Treatment Protocol to Treat Both Syndromes
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue are life-long illnesses, but with proper diagnosis and treatment of the root causes, remission and relief of symptoms are possible! Our patients begin to feel better in just a few weeks and most are able to resume a normal lifestyle after just four visits!
Dr. Spurlock has over 18 years of experience treating patients with Fibromyalgia, CFS, and Chronic Viral Syndrome. He and his team of nurse practitioners at Renewed Vitality have been successful in diagnosing and treating our patients, many of whom had lost hope before coming to see us.
Our Six-step Approach to Treating Fibro and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Includes:
- Address sleep disturbances and pain.
- Rejuvenate the mitochondria and increase energy production in the body.
- Balance hormones.
- Treat the immunity factor.
- Explore unique causes.
- Maintenance
We can help
Renewed Vitality offers more than Hope, but also evolutionary physical overall health practices….these Doctors at this Clinic are onto a cure for Fibromyalgia and pain. It is from calming your mind to curing the physical ailment not just cover it up with drugs. It gives you a new life. I am a patient and they have turned my life around in just days, weeks and months.
Starting 10 months ago in very much in pain and in bed having Fibro fog, fireskin, sporadic sleep, on medication. I listened and the main thing is I changed my thought. I Changed my attitude and changed my diet. So I listened some more… I have not had a fibro attack in over 6 months. Have not felt this good for this long in over 13 years. I feel healed and blessed. I am off all medication and on vitamins, minerals, eat less but am more satisfied and healthy. Give Yourself A Chance To Be Well. Give them a call at this fantastic clinic.” – Edie B *
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At Renewed Vitality, we take the time to spend with each patient to understand their individual health history and symptoms. We look for the how and the why to help address underlying causes. First, let’s look at some of the symptoms:
- Widespread musculoskeletal pain
- Sleep problems
- Severe fatigue
- Memory problems
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Restless leg syndrome
- Dry or painful eyes
- Dry mouth/increased thirst
- Rashes
- Dry skin
- IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
- Recurring urinary tract infections
- Headaches
- Frequent viral and/or bacterial infections
- Withdrawal from social activities and/or obligations
- Increased work absences
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome also called Myalgic Encephalopathy or “ME”
- Relentless, ongoing fatigue
- Unrefreshing sleep
- Longer recovery periods are needed after physical or mental activities
- Sore throat
- Enlarged lymph nodes in neck and/or armpits
- Difficulty concentrating
- Memory loss
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Headaches
- Unexplained muscle and joint pain that moves around without swelling or redness
- Frequent viral and/or bacterial infections
- Bowel disorders
- Withdrawal from social activities and/or obligations
- Increased work absences
Both syndromes can have similar symptoms, however with Fibro, pain is usually the chief complaint, and with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it’s usually debilitating fatigue. Both disorders have underlying causes that include a suppressed immune system along with an underlying viral or bacterial infection. There is always more to it than just these two things, however, which is why we dig deep and run such extensive labs so that nothing gets missed. There are so many symptoms that overlap and can be caused by different things and it can be difficult to tell what is causing what, or where one disease or syndrome ends, and where another begins.
Listen to what Stacy has to say about her battle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and how Dr. Spurlock was able to help:
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The underlying causes of your symptoms are not all the same with Fibromyalgia. A significant step in our treatment protocols involves testing and diagnostics to discover exactly what are the root causes of your symptoms. Some of the key factors that are looked into are as follows:
Suppression of the Hypothalamus Gland
The hypothalamus gland controls most other glands in the body including the adrenals, the thyroid, and the sex hormones. It also controls the autonomic nervous system and sleep. Because the hypothalamus is suppressed, we often find imbalances with other hormones as well. When the hypothalamus is weakened, it causes a cascade of negative effects in your body. The weakness of the gland happens because of long-term stress, acute trauma or stress, chronically deficient diet, exposure to toxins, as well as a number of other factors.
Mitochondria Dysfunction
Illness occurs when the immune system becomes weakened; its main role is to protect the body against threats from viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. When the immune system is weakened, the mitochondria, the “powerhouses of the cells” lose their strength too and can appear poisoned. Our treatment protocols include looking for agents that may be causing damage to the mitochondria and work to rid the body of these toxins.
We also use specific nutrient supplements which will get them functioning as they should again. Mitochondria dysfunction may be the chief mechanism for symptoms of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue.
The Immune System
Both Fibro and CFS are considered to be autoimmune disorders. When the immune system is compromised, it can become overactive and begin to attack other areas of the body. This creates inflammation and a host of other side effects and/or diseases. Hashimoto’s Disease is another example of an autoimmune disorder, where the immune system mistakes the thyroid gland as a foreign invader and begins to attack it.
Anyone who has one autoimmune disease is more susceptible to others. When the immune system is compromised, this opens up the body to an array of opportunistic infections which exacerbates the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia.
The immune system’s main role is to protect the body against threats from viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. Many things contribute to compromised immunity such as poor diet, not enough sleep, and stressors of all kinds – physical, emotional, and mental. Science tells us that up to 70% of our immune function resides in the gut microbiome and that our overall health is directly related to the food that we eat.
Our Diet
The Standard American Diet is full of sugars, simple carbs, and processed foods. All of these things can contribute to poor gut health and to leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut occurs when the intestinal wall becomes more permeable, allowing toxins and undigested, minute food particles to enter the bloodstream; this is one of the main causes of autoimmune disorders since the immune system goes into high alert mode. The results of eating SAD also cause our bodies to not be able to absorb nutrients as they should. Digestive issues can occur in response to the nutrient-poor foods that we are eating. Medications that treat digestive issues have side effects which only contribute to an imbalanced gut microbiome.
Sleep Deprivation
Just 100 years ago, people averaged 9 hours of sleep per night; today most people only get about 6 1/2 hours. This affects EVERY process in the body because sleep promotes tissue repair and repairs oxidation that occurs in the body and in the brain. If you aren’t getting good, quality sleep, your body isn’t able to repair itself nightly, and your systems begin to break down.
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is also released during deep sleep which is critical for immune function, vitality, and weight regulation. Many factors can contribute to sleep deprivation which includes lifestyle, hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, sleep apnea, and not being exposed to enough sunlight in the morning hours. Direct sunlight in the morning signals the pineal gland to make melatonin which then increases after the sun goes down, making you sleepy at night. Artificial blue light from a television, smartphone use, or computer use interferes with melatonin function which also causes you to not be able to go to sleep at night.
Adrenal Insufficiency
The adrenal glands, located just above each kidney, control how you handle stress, both physical and mental. Busy, stressful lifestyles cause the fight/flight response to being activated when there’s no actual life or death situation occurring. As too much cortisol is released over time, the adrenals become depleted and as a result, cause coping mechanisms to all sorts of stressors to not function correctly. This affects both your body and your mind.
Low Thyroid Hormones and Hashimoto’s Disease
Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Disease (an autoimmune disorder that causes your immune system to attack your thyroid gland) often accompany Fibromyalgia and CFS. The thyroid gland is referred to as the body’s “gas pedal,” and controls your metabolism. If too little hormone is produced, you will not have enough energy and will experience fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, etc. 75% of patients who have Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome have problems with thyroid regulation which makes sense because the thyroid gland not only controls energy production in the body but is also a major player in detoxing the body.
Imbalances in the Sex Hormones
When the hypothalamus is not functioning properly, and other hormones get out of balance such as the thyroid and cortisol, it is very common to see imbalances in the sex hormones as well. The endocrine system is like a large symphony; when one gland is causing imbalance or is “out of tune,” it affects the entire orchestra.
Testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone imbalances can cause symptoms such as:
- Fatigue
- Hair loss
- Low libido
- Weight gain
- Accelerated aging
- Insomnia
- Anxiety/Depression
- Osteopenia/osteoporosis
- Decreased muscle mass
- Higher risk for chronic disease
- Brain fog
- Thinning skin
- Hot flashes (women)
- Loss of muscle strength
- Mood swings
Candida/Yeast Infections
It is normal to have a certain amount of candida (yeast) on and in the body, however, candida is an opportunistic fungus that morphs easily to its environment, and can quickly become out of control. It usually starts in the gut; candida feeds off of sugars and starches so diet can be a major cause of a candida infection. This type of infection is common in people with Fibro and CFS. Infections lead to spastic colons, irritable bowel disease, chronic sinusitis, and Leaky Gut Syndrome. Candida, or yeast overgrowth, also increases food sensitivities and can result in an overactive immune system which leads to autoimmune conditions.
Severe Gut Infections / Food Sensitivities
The gut microbiome is constantly changing and maintains a delicate balance of beneficial bacteria, amino acids, viruses, and fungi. Anything that is put into the body can change the microbiome which directly affects the immune system. Some of the main culprits are antibiotic use, some GMO foods, excess sugar intake, and acid blockers. Processed foods can wreak havoc on the gut microbiome. So can pain medications and NSAIDs.
Additionally, there have been studies that have shown that regulation of the gut-brain axis becomes affected in patients with Fibromyalgia. The gut microbiome was shown to be different from the control group versus the Fibro group, and confirmed the presence of Taurine, Creatine, and Succinic Acid, which were different from the control group, and are further indicators of pain and fatigue symptoms in Fibro patients.
Underlying Viral and Bacterial Infections
Everyone has underlying viruses and bacteria that reside in their bodies. From the time we are infants, we are exposed to things like measles, chickenpox, mononucleosis (Epstein Barr), flu, and an array of other illnesses.
Chicken Pox is an example of a virus that once contracted, remains in the body in a dormant or latent state. It can resurface at a later time in the form of shingles. Other viruses, along with bacterial infections, can resurface as well.
Research has shown that there are specific viruses and bacteria that can cause symptoms associated with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. It’s also common for more than one to be active such as:
- Human Herpes Virus 3 (HHV3) aka Epstein Barr Virus (EPV) aka Mononucleosis
- Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV6)
- Coxsackie Virus (Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease)
- Parvo Virus (human version)
- Human T-Cell Tropic Virus (HTLV)
- Chlamydia Pneumonia (bacterial)
- Mycoplasma Pneumoniae (bacterial)
- Borrelia Burgdorferi (Lyme disease)
- Candida (yeast)
When the weakened immune system is afflicted with these types of infections, they further suppress the body’s defenses and result in more infections with other organisms. These are referred to as “opportunistic infections” and can be almost impossible to destroy unless the immune system is restored.
Other Risk Factors for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
There are other risk factors for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Women are afflicted more than men. You can also be genetically predisposed if you have a familial history. Studies have also shown that people who have osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus are also more likely to have Fibromyalgia. Chronic stress is also a trigger.
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Treatment at Renewed Vitality
Both Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue are complex syndromes that aren’t handled by simply taking some prescription meds. While advertisements for Lyrica and other similar medications make it seem like this is a viable treatment, you must realize that these drugs simply attempt to relieve some symptoms. What they don’t do is address or handle any of the underlying causes for these complex conditions. Our approach is to do the work to actually heal your body by addressing the root causes. We do this by taking a Functional Medicine approach to your illness which involves spending more time with our patients, treating everyone as an individual, and tailoring treatment to your exact needs instead of treating based on only your lab results.
About Dr. Spurlock
Wm. Marcus Spurlock, MD is a Board Certified Family Physician with 35 years of experience and expertise in viral diseases as well as Anti-Aging medicine. He has been a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine for over a decade and works diligently with his patients to prevent illness.
Dr. Spurlock is knowledgeable, and experienced, and has a passion for finding solutions to environmental and age-related illnesses. He brings a variety of cutting-edge professional services to Renewed Vitality, making it the best choice for patients searching to improve their quality of life.
His résumé includes 20+ years of experience with Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement and Integrative Medicine.
Dr. Spurlock’s specialties are the treatment of Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Weight Loss, Thyroid Disorders, Chronic Viral Syndromes, and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Suzanne Bartek, APRN-CNP
Suzanne Bartek specializes in adult and gerontology health. Her areas of focus are based on the functional medicine approach of identifying and addressing the root cause of disease through assessments, lab work, and genetics.
Suzanne earned an undergraduate degree from Texas A&M and a Nurse Practitioner degree from Texas Woman’s University. Her nursing career includes caring for our veterans at the Dallas VA Hospital and practicing preventative medicine at several wellness clinics in Dallas, Plano, and Frisco. She has experience with optimizing patient health, increasing energy levels, alleviating hormonal symptoms, diet, and weight loss.
While striving for a trusting and collaborative relationship, Suzanne’s goal is to listen to the patient, understand that they are unique, and treat them using evidence-based practice solutions. She has been very successful in helping clients reach their goals. She is proud to be a part of many client success stories.
Her clinical interests include disease prevention, supplementation, and optimizing health. She has memberships and regularly attends continuing education courses with NTNP (North Texas Nurse Practitioners), TNP (Texas Nurse Practitioners), AMMG (Age Management Medicine Group), and A4M (Age Management Medicine Group).
Suzanne has lived most of her life in Dallas. She spent time in Salt Lake City and Northern California but eventually returned home to Texas. Her many interests include enjoying family, friends, sports, exercise, music, and travel.
Free Phone Consultation with our New Patient Coordinator
Renewed Vitality is a place of hope. Our knowledgeable providers are experts in their field and take the time to find the underlying causes of hormonal imbalances and illness. We will work with you using proven, scientific-based technology, in a warm and compassionate environment, to help you restore your health so that you can live a life of vitality and wellness.
Please contact our New Patient Coordinator for your Free Phone Consultation. She can answer any questions or concerns that you may have and give you additional information about our providers, our protocols and fees, what is covered by insurance and what is not, and any other details you may need. We can also get you booked for your first appointments if you decide we are a good fit for you. There are no obligations to book an appointment. You can reach us at (214) 740-4703, or complete the form below and we will contact you!
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