We have an effective program to address Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. We can help!
At Renewed Vitality, we treat the root causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome so you can get back to the life you’ve been missing!
Can Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) be treated? The answer is Yes!
There have been tremendous advances in the understanding and treatment of this disorder. Treatment requires knowledge in the specialized field of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It must focus on symptoms and their underlying disorders. It’s important to understand that CFS is a complex condition. It requires far more than the typical 10-minute doctor’s visit. Tremendous advances have been made in the understanding and treatment of this disease.
Successful treatment requires a comprehensive approach. We understand that causes can be multi-faceted. Our providers address the underlying disorders that can contribute to CFS. We also test for active, underlying infections. When appropriately diagnosed and treated, we can get you back to a state of normal energy and vitality.
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Taking a Proactive Approach to Your Health is the Best Defense for Your Immune System
There are several things that can help improve resilience including:
- Hormone balancing
- Getting quality sleep
- Optimizing nutrition
- Having a healthy gut microbiome
- Exercise
The thyroid gland is responsible for moving toxins out of the body. Adequate levels of progesterone and melatonin are crucial for getting good-quality sleep. Additionally, over 70% of the body’s immune system resides in the gut microbiome. Renewed Vitality tests all your hormones and key vitamin levels. This helps your body to perform as efficiently as possible. Our goal is to help you thrive and regain your health!
What are the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – CFS?
For some, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome starts abruptly. It often starts with intense flu-like symptoms that won’t go away. The onset may be triggered by a dramatic physical or emotional event or trauma. For others, CFS symptoms begin gradually and worsen over time. Regardless of how it starts, its primary symptom usually becomes severe, unrelenting fatigue. But, despite feeling exhausted, people with CFS have a lot of difficulties sleeping. Other common symptoms include:
- Achiness
- Digestion and bowel disorders
- Brain fog, or inability to concentrate
- Exhaustion
- Unexplained extreme fatigue
- Decreased ability to perform work or take part in other activities
- Decreased ability to multitask
- Chronic low-grade fever
- Forgetfulness and difficulty with short-term memory
- Intense headaches
- Recurring infections
- Insomnia
- Tender lymph nodes
- Joint pain unrelated to injury or trauma, without swelling or redness
- Muscle pain and stiffness
- Low or no sex drive
- Poor sleep, waking feeling unrefreshed
- Increased thirst
- Chronic or frequent sore throat
- Weight gain
Most patients have a unique combination of these symptoms. This can diminish a person’s quality of life. In severe cases, it can inhibit a person from being able to carry out basic daily life functions.
What causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Hypothalamic suppression
The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that is the main control center for most of the glands in your body. It controls the adrenals, thyroid, sex hormones, and the autonomic system. It also regulates body temperature, blood pressure, and the sleep center. This gland is also considered the anti-diuretic hormone. The hypothalamus is often weakened by long-term exposure to chronic stress. Other causes are nutritional deficiencies, toxins, and lack of sleep and exercise. This often results in low thyroid levels and adrenal exhaustion. Other causes include undiagnosed chronic infections and underlying mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitrochondria are the “energy power houses” of the cells.
Blood tests indicating hypothalamic suppression have a very wide “normal” or “reference range.” Some physicians not trained in hormone replacement therapy won’t recognize the pieces of the puzzle. Our providers understand that to get your energy back, hormones must be restored first.
How is CFS Diagnosed?
There have been advances in medical evaluation and lab testing. An experienced provider can identify the subtle clues that point to CFS. The real benefit is a much more intense and in-depth laboratory evaluation. We search much deeper than other traditional providers.
The key tests needed include:
- A complete blood count (CBC)
- Sedimentation rate
- General chemistries
- Complete thyoid lab panel
- Cortisol levels (adrenal health)
- Vitamin B12
- Iron
- Pregnenolone levels
A thorough physical exam and patient history are also critical in evaluating other issues related to CFS.
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Renewed Vitality uses a Six-Step Process for
Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
First: Address the pain and sleep disturbances.
This frequently includes the use of sleep, pain and antidepressant medications. This treatment is typically only temporary while the underlying problems are addressed. It is not the long term answer as commonly practiced in our current medical system. We will perform an extensive laboratory analysis focused on discovering the underlying issue and customized to the symptoms of each patient.
Second: Rejuvenate the mitochondria and increase energy production.
Getting these little energy power plants in every cell of your body working at optimal levels is essential to restoring your energy. In those suffering from CFS/FM they are often found in a poisoned condition, leaving the cells starved for energy. Many things can poison the mitochondria including hormonal deficiencies, toxins and infections. Mitochondrial dysfunction may be the common denominator and underlying mechanism that explains the symptoms of CFS/FM. In addition to using treatments to rid the body of the offending agents, specific nutrients can be given to jump start the mitochondria and get the cells functioning well again. These can be administered orally or intravenously.
Third: Balance Hormones
Hormonal deficiencies are often missed or poorly treated because traditionally doctors have used blood tests that count on a healthy pituitary and hypothalamus as a standard. These traditional tests measure levels, not function and therefore several critical hormone deficiencies go undiagnosed and untreated. Some typical hormone functions that need to be evaluated include thyroid function, growth hormone, testosterone, aldosterone, cortisol, DHEA, pregnenolone, estradiol, and progesterone. When hormones are properly treated and balanced, tremendous results can be achieved! Follow-up care requires regular monitoring of the correct hormone levels for continued hormone health.
Fourth: Treat the immunity factor
Various infections can either be a major cause of CFS/FM or contribute to the problem. Because the immune system may not be operating properly, it is possible that there may be more than one infection that must be addressed. Some of these potential troublemakers include viruses such as Epstein Barr (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV6). Also Enteroviruses, such as Coxsackie, Parvo, can be culprits. Bacterial infections like Mycoplasma, Chlamydia pneumonia, Borrelia Burgdorferi (Lyme disease) and Ehrlichia can also contribute to CFS/FM. A number of yeasts such as Candida and also parasites must be evaluated as well.
In a weakened immune system, infections with the above organisms will further suppress the body’s defenses and often results in further infections with other organisms. These are called opportunistic infections. Even with the most aggressive treatments, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to destroy the infection if the weakened immune system is not addressed and treated as well. It is critical to assess infections and be treated for them along with being treated for a suppressed immune system.
Treatment may include oral or intravenous (IV) medications. Often a combination of IV and oral medication can be extremely powerful in treating infections and a compromised immune system simultaneously. Prescription anti-infectives and immune boosting supplements work together to get control of these rogue infections and restore health to an ailing immune system.
Fifth: Explore unique causes
There are some groups of individuals that have specific problems that contribute to their CFS/FM. For instance, some patients may have suffered from a chronic infection that has created a coagulation defect which results in the body laying down a fibrin (or fibrous protein) coating on cells that impairs oxygen and nutrient transfer to the cells. This can cause fatigue, muscle aches and a “brain fog.” If this condition is suspected, specialized testing is required. If this condition goes untreated, not only are the cells starved for oxygen and nutrition, but it is very difficult to eliminate any infections because they will “hide” in the fibrin coating. The infectious organisms may also produce neurotoxins which can remain in the body and continue to cause problems long after the organisms that produced them are gone. Some patients have such severe symptoms of “brain fog” that they require intensive evaluations of brain function and very direct treatment to alleviate the problem. Fortunately there are tests and procedures that can be done to rid the body of these toxins and to restore health to the cells.
Sixth: Maintenance
When treatment is complete, a plan of maintenance will help patients continue their new found health. Patients remain on a few core medications and supplements that are important to continue their health that may be taken to sustain their health for many years. As with all medical treatments, some patients may require additional therapies as their case dictates.
When a comprehensive treatment plan is in place, significant recovery or a complete resolution of symptoms is the rule, rather than the exception.
Our Chronic Fatigue Treatment Program
Gets Results
Hear from one of our patients.*
*Important Note: Your Results will Vary. Each Person Responds Differently To Treatment.
Free Phone Consultation with our New Patient Coordinator
Renewed Vitality is a place of hope. Our knowledgeable providers are experts in their field and take the time to find the underlying causes of hormonal imbalances and illness. We will work with you using proven, scientific-based technology, in a warm and compassionate environment, to help you restore your health so that you can live a life of vitality and wellness.
Please contact our New Patient Coordinator for your Free Phone Consultation. She can answer any questions or concerns that you may have and give you additional information about our providers, our protocols and fees, what is covered by insurance and what is not, and any other details you may need. She can also get you booked for your first appointments if you decide we are a good fit for you. There are no obligations to book an appointment. You can reach us at (214) 740-4703, or complete the form below and we will contact you!