Free Yourself
From The Pain of Fibromyalgia
What Causes Fibromyalgia?

The cornerstone of fibromyalgia treatment is knowing where it comes from. Fibromyalgia is caused by hypothalamic suppression.
The hypothalamus controls most of your body’s glands:
- adrenals
- thyroid
- sex hormones
- autonomic system (which regulates body temperature, blood pressure, and the anti-diuretic hormone)
- sleep center
Fibromyalgia results when your hypothalamus has been weakened. Long-term stress, short-term extreme stress, a chronically deficient diet, exposure to toxins, and several other factors can weaken the hypothalamus.
These types of stressors often show up as low thyroid, adrenal exhaustion, and chronic infections (which often go undiagnosed and untreated).
Underneath it all, the cellular power plant of your body — the mitochondria — has become dysfunctional, making it almost impossible to recover without a targeted medical program.
Disguising this issue is that blood tests for hypothalamic suppression have a very wide “normal” range. Here at Renewed Vitality, we look at your test results and also the function: If the test shows inside the listed “normal,” but the function is impaired, we work to get that function back.
It is common for fibromyalgia and hypothalamic suppression to be misdiagnosed by doctors not familiar with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.
We know that if we want to restore your energy and vitality, then we have to get your hormones back to the correct levels and restore function to your glandular system.
Fibromyalgia Treatment
Fibromyalgia treatment has made a huge amount of progress in the last 15 years. However, successful treatment requires that you work with a doctor who has specialized knowledge of this syndrome and who can look past the obvious symptoms and see the causes. Dr. Spurlock and the team here at Renewed Vitality in Dallas have that knowledge.
It is important to understand that the treatment of symptoms, while often very needed, does not help resolve the underlying conditions.
Fibromyalgia is much too serious to try to just cover up with a painkiller.
Also, because this disease can be complex to treat, it requires more than a 10-15 minute visit to your local doctor. Trying to treat fibromyalgia in a 10-minute interview has resulted in many people going essentially untreated for this very debilitating condition.
Successful treatment requires addressing several issues. When we diagnose and treat these issues, it can lead to an overall return to normal energy and vitality.
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Renewed Vitality Uses a Six-Step Process for
Fibromyalgia Treatment
Step One: Address Your Pain and Sleep Disturbances
We frequently begin our treatment of your fibromyalgia pain with sleep, pain, and antidepressant medications. However, this treatment is typically only temporary, while we address the underlying problems.
Pain treatment is not the long-term answer as commonly practiced in the traditional medical system.
As a key part of our fibromyalgia treatment, we will perform an extensive laboratory analysis that is both focused on discovering the underlying issue and customized to your precise symptoms.
One of the most effective treatments for pain is trigger point injections, with medications injected directly into the affected tissue. This often provides four to six weeks of pain relief.
Myofascial release/massage therapy also may improve your pain until we can treat the underlying disorders.
Step Two: Rejuvenate Your Mitochondria and Increase Energy Production
Getting these little energy power plants in your cells working at optimal levels is essential to restoring your energy. When you’re suffering from fibromyalgia, your mitochondria are often in a poisoned condition, leaving the cells starved for energy.
Many things can poison the mitochondria, including hormonal deficiencies, toxins, and infections. Mitochondrial dysfunction may be the common denominator and underlying mechanism that explains the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
In addition to using treatments to rid your body of the offending agents, we can give specific nutrients to jumpstart your mitochondria and get the cells functioning well again. We can administer these nutrients either orally or intravenously.
Step Three: Balance Your Hormones
Doctors often miss hormonal deficiencies because they have traditionally used blood tests that count on a healthy pituitary and hypothalamus as a standard.
These traditional tests measure levels, not function, and therefore several critical hormone deficiencies go undiagnosed and untreated.
Some typical hormone functions that need to be evaluated include:
- thyroid function
- growth hormone
- testosterone
- aldosterone
- cortisol
- pregnenolone
- estradiol
- progesterone
When we properly treat and balance your hormones, we can achieve tremendous results!
Follow-up care requires regular monitoring of the correct hormone levels for continued hormone health.
Step Four: Treat Immunity and Infections
Various infections can either be a major cause of fibromyalgia or contribute to the problem. Therefore, addressing these is a vital part of your fibromyalgia treatment. And because your immune system may not be operating properly, we may have to address more than one infection.
Some of these potential troublemakers include viruses such as Epstein-Barr (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV6). Also, Enteroviruses, such as Coxsackie and Parvo, can be culprits.
Bacterial infections like Mycoplasma pneumonia, Chlamydia pneumonia, Borrelia Burgdorferi (Lyme disease), Babesia, and Ehrlichia can also contribute to fibromyalgia. We must also evaluate several yeasts, such as Candida, and also parasites.
In a weakened immune system, infections with the above organisms will further suppress your body’s defenses. This often results in more infections with other organisms, called opportunistic infections.
Even with the most aggressive treatments, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to destroy the infection if the weakened immune system is not also addressed and treated.
Treatment may include oral or intravenous (IV) medications. Often, a combination of IV and oral medication can be extremely powerful in treating infections and a compromised immune system simultaneously. Prescription anti-infectives and immune-boosting supplements work together to control these rogue infections and restore health to an ailing immune system.
Step Five: Explore Unique Causes
Some people have specific problems that we must address as part of their fibromyalgia treatment.
For instance, some patients may have suffered from a chronic infection that has created a coagulation defect. When this happens, the body lays down fibrin (or fibrous protein) coating on cells that impairs oxygen and nutrient transfer to the cells. This can cause fatigue, muscle aches, and “brain fog.”
If we suspect this condition, we will do specialized testing. If a coagulation defect goes untreated, not only are your cells starved for oxygen and nutrition, but it is very difficult to eliminate any infections because they will “hide” in the fibrin coating.
The infectious organisms may also produce neurotoxins which can remain in your body and continue to cause problems long after the organisms that produced them are gone.
Some patients have such severe symptoms of “brain fog” that they require intensive evaluations of brain function and very direct treatment to alleviate the problem.
Fortunately, we have tests and procedures to rid your body of these toxins and restore health to the cells.
Step Six: Maintenance
Once we complete fibromyalgia treatment, a plan of maintenance will help you continue your newfound health.
As part of our maintenance plan, you will remain on a few core medications and supplements. You can take these to sustain your health for many years.
As with all medical treatments, you may require additional therapies, as your case dictates.
And the National Fibromyalgia Association has a wealth of helpful information on lifestyle and maintenance steps to help you.
With a comprehensive treatment plan in place, significant recovery or a complete resolution of symptoms is the rule, rather than the exception.
“5 stars. I love Dr. Spurlock! Hadn’t seen him in 10 years. I lived in New Jersey, moved to New York and he was getting me on the straight and narrow with my health. Personal reasons stopped me and I went back to NY & NJ specialists. I became worse over the years and pretty much felt like a ping-pong ball.
March 2017, I supposedly had a TIA. I was shuffled from specialist to specialist in NY, nine to be exact. Many million dollar work ups, basic bloods with perhaps one exotic thrown in for good measure, nothing found and shuttled off to another specialist. An endocrinologist told me my fibromyalgia was secondary, but to what? She never could figure the primary. My findings were that I needed a pacemaker, and that I had phospholipid antibody syndrome, but I still remained ill, depressed and in pain.
I decided enough was enough and made my appointment with Doctor Spurlock and came to Texas from visiting California. Best thing I could have done for myself. As a phlebotomist, I know blood is (most times) the beginning and/or confirmation of a diagnosis. Dr. Spurlock pulls no punches and plays no games with his profession and passion for his patients. I am so happy with all that he ordered, but mostly what he found! I’m not crazy nor psychosomatic. I’m back on the path to wellness at 60! Thank you, Doctor Spurlock! Going to add that I have scheduled an appointment for my niece to be assessed by Doctor Spurlock. When in doubt, check Dr. Spurlock and Renewed Vitality out. May God Bless.” – Susan C.*
“To say Dr. Spurlock goes ‘above and beyond’ is almost laughable because it doesn’t say enough about his efforts. I went to a ridiculous amount of doctors to get help for debilitating fatigue and pain. He took one look at me and listed off things he suspected. The blood tests soon confirmed each and every one. I was just baffled that no one else had ever thought to order the ones he uncovered. Dr. Spurlock thrives with complicated cases and doesn’t believe in ‘Band-Aid medicine.’ He will take as much time and effort to get to the root cause. If you think that there are no longer doctors that care… you haven’t met him. My life changed the day I found him! Truly, it was like winning the lottery.” – Janna R. *
“Renewed Vitality offers more than Hope, but also evolutionary physical overall health practices… these doctors at this clinic are onto a cure for fibromyalgia and pain. It is from calming your mind to curing the physical ailment, not just covering it up with drugs. It gives you a new life. They have turned my life around in just days, weeks, and months.
“I started 10 months ago in very much in pain and in bed having fibro fog, fire skin, sporadic sleep, on medication. I listened and the main thing is I changed my thought, changed my attitude, and changed my diet. Then I listened some more… and I have not had a fibro attack in over 6 months. Have not felt this good for this long in over 13 years. I feel healed and blessed. I am off all medication and on vitamins, minerals, eat less but am more satisfied and healthy. Give Yourself A Chance To Be Well. Give them a call at this fantastic clinic.” – Edie B. *
*results vary from patient to patient.
There is Hope!
Today we have a workable fibromyalgia treatment. Here at Renewed Vitality, we stay abreast of the latest breakthroughs and make sure you get the best possible treatment.
We pride ourselves on being many years ahead of most doctors in fibromyalgia treatment. Often patients will feel better within a few weeks. And according to our records, we show significant improvement in 80% of all our patients within the first four visits.
Free Phone Consultation with our New Patient Coordinator
Renewed Vitality is a place of hope. Our knowledgeable providers are experts in their field and take the time to find the underlying causes of hormonal imbalances and illness. We will work with you using proven, scientific-based technology in a warm and compassionate environment to help you restore your health so that you can live a life of vitality and wellness.
Please contact our New Patient Coordinator for your Free Phone Consultation. She can answer any questions or concerns that you may have and give you additional information about our providers, our protocols and fees, what insurance covers and what it doesn’t cover, and any other details you may need.
She can also get you booked for your first appointments if you decide we are a good fit for you. There are no obligations to book an appointment.
You can reach us at (214) 740-4703, or complete the form below and we will contact you!