If you suffer from sinus issues, you know all about the pain and discomfort: a stuffed up or runny nose; headaches and facial pain; post-nasal drip and coughing. And you’re not alone—sinus infections affect more than 30 million people in the US each year.
Various issues can cause these sinus problems. The most common of these are colds, allergies, nasal polyps, and a deviated septum. But no matter the cause, the result is blocked, fluid-filled sinuses—the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.
While many natural methods can help with sinus problems, we’ve found one of the most effective treatments to be colloidal silver.
What is Colloidal Silver?
Colloidal silver (also known as ionic silver) is a solution containing tiny particles of silver suspended in pure water. As a liquid solution, colloidal silver can be used as a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent.
Colloidal silver can treat not only sinus infections but eye infections, ear infections, various skin ailments, colds and flu, respiratory tract infections, burns, cuts, and scrapes. It can also provide long-term immune support—so vital in times like these.
With its excellent antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, you can see why colloidal silver nasal spray is safe and effective for treating your sinus issues. And here at Renewed Vitality, we offer what we feel is the highest-quality colloidal silver on the market, Argentyn-23 nasal spray.
History of Silver in Health and Wellness
Silver has been used as a healing and antibacterial agent for thousands of years, dating back to the Ancient Greeks and Romans. However, Western scientists didn’t discover this ancient germ-fighting powerhouse until the late 1800s. That’s when they began developing medicinal compounds with silver and used it medicinally throughout the early 1900s. These various forms of silver compounds treated every known infectious disease.
However, silver quickly lost its status thanks to modern antibiotics. Then, in the 1970s, silver saw a resurgence when doctors discovered how well it worked to treat burns. That treatment is still going strong in the form of silver sulfadiazine, used to prevent and treat wound infections in patients with second and third-degree burns.
In recent years, more people are turning to colloidal silver as a natural way to help their bodies heal.
How to use Colloidal Silver Nasal Spray
Argentyn 23 colloidal silver nasal spray can help heal your sinus issues. It can kill destructive bacteria, viruses, and fungus organisms within minutes of contact.
And it’s simple to use: Just spray directly into each nostril, breathing in strongly while you’re spraying. This “aggressive” spraying will make sure the colloidal silver comes in contact with the infectious tissue. You’ll want to use the spray frequently until you see your symptoms lessen.
If you’re interested in purchasing Argentyn 23, simply go to our website page or call us at (214) 389-1233.
And if you have any questions about administering the spray for best results, just contact us. We want to help you breathe easier—and get rid of those nasty sinus issues once and for all!
It seems logical that spraying the nostrils after being i public might be a COVID-19 preventative. Will nano silver penetrate the shell of the COVID-1 virus.
I have read pubmed studies that show that it does penetrate the virus and deactivates it.
Chemtrails are causing sinus issues. How often is it safe to spray colloidal silver into the nose? Can one do safely every day for a long period of time?
Chemtrails, Weed Spray, AZ Dust, Pollen, EMF all contribute to Sinus problems.
There is no such thing as chem trails. Kindly stop spreading false information
You are in denial. The governments of the world have admitted to this…. You are an ostrich with its foolish head in the sand.
Have you heard of the term “cloud seeding “?
Cloud seeding and chemtrails are different things, though both are somewhat “non factors” especially concerning your sinuses. Chemtrails are just water vapor condensing in high altitudes, though we do spray chemicals to, but generally in agriculture and testing, but what you are seeing is water vapor. Cloud seeding is actually done with silver in most cases (silver iodide) and is non toxic. The toxic chemicals you actually breathe come from cars, plastic, industry, the neverending list goes on… but not chemtrails lolz.
There are government documents detailing chemtrails. Wikileaks
Then why is there legislation being passed to make it illegal?
Because it’s only legislation “to be” passed but will not pass. It’s a smoke screen to satisfy a dumbed down public who thinks that the government actually cares. Smoke screen
Please research yourself. Chemtrails is the least of what they’ve been spraying us with. You’d do yourself a favor and research yourself so that you are less ignorant. Most of Europe has already figured this out, Americans fight against each other on the most obvious answers. Just look up at your skies sometime genius. They are filled with chemical gases and your media has brainwashed you to think that it’s normal.smh
Ohhhh so the lines we see criss crossing the sky in no particular directions, that spread out creating a “cloud” cover are just our imaginations?
Eye roll!
You are so shallow. Those lines are not the chemtrails! The chem trails are happening there and elsewhere.
The government is a master at deception. Open your mind
There absolutely is Chem trails so yea please stop spreading dangerous misinformation, they spray barium and aluminum, both toxic to humans, this is well documented, so wake up
You may want to educate yourself – chem trails = cloud seeding
I sprayed colloidal Silver into my nostrils and it burned so badly it brought me to my knees and I became faint. What caused this reaction? Is it normal? I used Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol, 10 ppm. Thank you for your consideration.
Mine is burning as well, I can only tolerate two sprays. Does anyone know why that happens? Is that a bad thing?
If you breathed it in hard and the rear of your nostril cavities are not used to liquid that could cause a burning sensation. This sometimes happens when people go swimming.
Can colloidal silver inhaler spray spoil or become infected with germs? What does the liquid look like, is it silver?
No as this stuff works as a anti viral , anti bacteria. It looks like plain water as it is made from water and silver nano particles.
Everything deteriorates given time including colidal silver
I used 1 spray and it burned so badly. Is this normal?
yes, it is normal, but this is why you put it in a saline solution first and then spray. doesn’t burn then.
So how much colloidal silver should we put in a coffee cup filled with distilled water and 1/4 tsp of salt ??
Can colloidal silver nasal spray cause loss of smell?
I would like to know as well. Got the usual cold/flu (where my voice drops out and everything) and I started up on the 10ppm CS nasal spray, because it stops the sinuses woes from taking me out, generally kills the sore throat and stop it from hitting my lungs at all – nice! A few days later I’m riding it out (tired, but still functioning alright) and I’m noticing things taste bad and don’t smell right. This happened to me in January and it crossed my mind that it might not be the cold but the silver itself. Anyone else have issues taking CS and losing their taste/smell – but without the stupid covid-like sickness/variable to throw this into question as well? I guess I just never use it enough when I’m not sick to find out…Just started using it this year and I get this same sickness about once a year or so. Same flu I’ve had my whole life, but this is side effect is new, along with my use of CS to combat it. Hence the question of has this side effect happened to anyone who hasn’t been recently plagued by the latest flu-of-the-week out there. I’m betting it’s the sickness… But still wondering if it’s possible that it’s caused by CS (like 5 sprays per nostril throughout the day, well under the recommended dosage for short term use if you’re sick, etc). Might as well ask, thanks for your reply!
How many times a day should I be using the spray. I’ve been using it about four times a day, one pump in each nostril. And I’ve noticed some relief but it still persists.
Now I have the flu as well.