Primary Use
-Relieve symptoms of gastrointestinal (GI) discomfort
-Relieve symptoms of bowel irregularity
-Relieve symptoms of diarrhea
-Relieve symptoms of other common digestive discomforts
-Supports healthy function of the urinary tract
-Improves Immunity
Facts and Functions
The digestive system is your body’s first line of defense against unwanted organisms consumed with food. An important component of your digestive defense system is friendly bacteria that aid digestion and enhance your body’s own digestive immune response. As we encounter challenges to our digestive system we can severely disturb the delicate balance of our body’s intestinal flora, which can cause occasional gastrointestinal (GI) discomfort. Fortunately, a healthy balance of intestinal flora can be supported through the consumption of food or food supplement products that contain friendly live bacteria cultures commonly referred to as probiotics.
ProBio PCC contains a potent probiotic bacteria culture of Lactobacillus fermentum PCC that helps relieve symptoms associated with occasional gastrointestinal (GI) discomfort.
ProBio PCC is clinically proven to encourage the proliferation of healthy live probiotic bacteria in the lower digestive tract. ProBio PCC bacteria fortifies the natural digestive defense system and assists with the absorption of key nutrients.
Individuals who travel frequently should benefit from this product.