Many people have lost up to 25 – 40 pounds in just 6 weeks by following the Renewed Vitality Weight Loss Program. This medically supervised program starts with extensive lab testing to determine any factors that may be preventing you from being able to lose weight!
Our program is safe, healthy, and supervised by our nurse practitioners who believe that weight loss does not have to be a struggle. Your health and success with the plan are our goals, and by also addressing any underlying issues, it’s easier to lose the weight and keep it off!
We Set You Up For Success
First, we look at underlying causes that may be causing weight gain or preventing you from being able to lose. Many people suffer from underlying hormonal imbalances that can make weight-loss seem impossible. We will order a comprehensive set of lab tests before you start the diet so that those hurdles can be addressed first in order to optimize your diet results and improve your health so you will have more energy and feel great.
Some of the things we test for include hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalances, Candida (yeast) overgrowth, insulin resistance, and chronic stress. Because we look for the root causes that may be contributing to weight gain and address them accordingly, we set you up for success if you follow the diet plan!
The Renewed Vitality Weight Loss Program also incorporates the use of HCG, also known as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone. In addition to making you feel less hungry, HCG also helps to break down fat storage and convert it into energy.
What is Included in the Renewed Vitality Weight Loss Program?
- Initial consultation with nurse practitioner
- Lab work
- Follow up consultation with nurse practitioner
- Hormone evaluation and treatment
- Candida treatment if needed
- HCG hormone cream
- Renewed Vitality Cook Book
- Slim shot injections (optional)
- Cooking classes
You are invited to attend our Renewed Vitality Weight Loss seminar on April 18that Abrams Royal Pharmacy at 8220 Abrams Road in Dallas at no cost to you. Our providers will be on hand to answer questions and provide more information.
If you’ve tried other diets and failed, come on out and join us and we’ll explain in more detail how this program does work.
- You can do the Vitality Diet with 1 or 2 friends and receive a deeply discounted price!
- Receive 50% off of the detox program when you sign up!
- Reduce risk factors of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and stroke!
- Improve your metabolism!
- Lose fat, not muscle!
- Look and feel better!
- Increase energy levels!
- Boost your sex drive!
- Improve cognitive ability!
- Relieve symptoms of menopause, PMS, and andropause!
Sign up now to register for a fun and educational evening to learn more about the Renewed Vitality Weight Loss program. The staff from Renewed Vitality and Abrams Pharmacy are looking forward to meeting you and helping you become healthier and happier.
Does this have any bad drug interactions with prescription medication I have tried Lipozene and I had to go to the hospital.